Brand Storming: Managing Brands in the Era of Complexity

Tình trạng: Hết hàng | Loại sản phẩm:
The BusinessWeek, Wall Street Journal, and New York Times business bestseller"With its engaging voice and pullno-punches tone, this book stands out from the marketing crowd."­­Harvard Business Review"D'Ale...
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The BusinessWeek, Wall Street Journal, and New York Times business bestseller

"With its engaging voice and pullno-punches tone, this book stands out from the marketing crowd."­­Harvard Business Review

"D'Alessandro's book is witty, irreverent, and intensely practical. It is more than a book about brands, and contains many sound lessons for strategy and the role of leaders."­­Michael E. Porter, Harvard Business School

"Practical, psychologically astute, and clearly written, this book has much to offer business folk of all stripes."­­Publishers Weekly

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