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Tìm sách theo yêu cầu
The ultimate guide to maximizing shareholder value through ERM
The first book to introduce an emerging approach synthesizingERM and value-based management, Corporate Value of EnterpriseRisk Management clarifies ERM as a strategic businessmanagement approach that enhances strategic planning and otherdecision-making processes.
- A hot topic in the wake of a series of corporate scandals aswell as the financial crisis
- Looks at ERM as a way to deliver on the promise of balancingrisk and return
- A practical guide for corporate Chief Risk Officers (CROs) andother business professionals seeking to successfully implementERM
ERM is here to stay. Sharing his unique insights and experiencesas a recognized global thought leader in this field, author SimSegal offers world-class guidance on how your business cansuccessfully implement ERM to protect and increase shareholdervalue.
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