Mastering The Essentials of Sales: What You Need to Know to Close Every Sale: What You Need to Know to Close Every Sale

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Go back to basics and soar to new heights of profit This book takes you to the source of sales excellence: the fundamentals. A gold mine of practical wisdom for seasoned professionals and beginners alike, it helps you build a strong foundation in ...
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Go back to basics and soar to new heights of profit This book takes you to the source of sales excellence: the fundamentals. A gold mine of practical wisdom for seasoned professionals and beginners alike, it helps you build a strong foundation in the basics from which to soar to dizzying new levels of professionalism and profitability. International sales guru Gerhard Gschwandtner draws upon his 30 years of experience and on the wisdom of legends from the worlds of business, sports, the military, science, and entertainment to deliver 51 concise essays that teach powerful success lessons. ASKING QUESTIONS “If you don't ask questions that lead to the customer's needs, you won't be needed by your customer or your company.” RELATIONSHIPS “The quality of your relationship with your customer determines the profitability of the account.” LEARNING “Set aside two hours every week for professional development. In three years you'll be far ahead of your competition.” CASHING IN ON FAILURE “Failure is always a bitter medicine. We can either swallow the medicine so it can release its power, or refuse to take it and fail again.”

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