Thông tin
Tìm sách theo yêu cầu
The sixth edition of Principles of Language Learning and Teaching offers new ways of viewing and teaching second language acquisition (SLA) based on the latest research. Providing a comprehensive overview of the theoretical viewpoints that have shaped language teaching today, the text explains the pedagogical relevance of SLA research in reader-friendly prose.
The new edition of this classic text, used by teacher-education programs worldwide, reflects the most recent themes in SLA research, updated references, and a summation of current issues and perspectives. The text is available in print and eText formats.
- New opening vignettes connect chapter topics to language learners' stories.
- Expanded Classroom Connections section provides more opportunities to link research findings to teaching implications.
- Updated activities and discussion questions for practicing instrctuctors and teachers in training.
- End-of-chapter supplementary readings, journal-writing guidelines, activities, and discussion questions.
- Bibliography with quick access to important works in the field.
- Concise glossary of key terminology.
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